My story

Meet the Maker

Maya’s passion for crafting candles with a purpose extends far beyond mere aesthetics; it’s all about shedding light on the emotional experience we all ride.

So, why candles, one might wonder? Well, it all begins with Maya’s deep fascination for the incredible human mind. She’s all about empowerment, and this craft of hers naturally transformed into a means of tapping into that very potential.

Back in 2013, Maya’s life took a dramatic turn when she was standing on the side of the freeway after her car broke down, and a drunk driver collided with her directly at a staggering speed of 65 mph. This catastrophic event left Maya with her pelvis shattered in a dozen places and her femur utterly destroyed.

Enduring nearly two years of immobility, Maya embarked on a determined path to recovery. Through a combination of physical therapy and yoga, she gradually regained her strength. Remarkably, this harrowing incident served as a profound turning point in her life, setting her on a transformative journey towards enlightenment.

Candles represent not only the culmination of this transformative journey but also the foundation of her philosophy.